Saturday, May 21, 2005

5h00ndred Days

Kolahstudio‘s Ups and Downs
Reportage on Iranian Underground Art Media

 Scream on Azad University of Tehran | Karan Reshad

It has been 500 days since establishment of Kolahstudio Project on the web, during which over thirty thousand (30’000) people have visited the site, formally.
In The first month, no one could imagine or whether believe that the site would be visited by majority of people.
Some interpret the word “Underground “ as being associated with a political or anarchist groups ,where as the real concept of the new Underground art movement ,all over the world ,is not to restrict one’s artistic trends to the taste of the museums , galleries and the current popular art( in particular ,art mobs and every thing seems to be agreeable for the press and other ordinary official organizations .) .The Artist should proceed with his own feeling & expression without regard to utilizing the facilities and Commercial/advertising methods.

In the First month, March 2004, the former format of was completely different from its today’s form .Which included sections like: Artists Section, Chosen Art gallery, Research Team, Submit Art, about and Links section. (Below are some images showing the changes about Designes.)

 Kolahstudio Index page: March,2004

But in the following month the site format was transformed a bit to make much easier to get access to different sections of the site. In This month an artist and old friend- Hanif Bahari- Joined the Premier Members (K. Reshad, S. Mohadesi, A. Vahdati, and A. Khodaee) as the first submitted member of Kolahstudio.

 Kolahstudio Index page: June,2004

The site have been running with its today’s format , since june , 2004 and from then till now , have had an acceptable progress among the inhabitants and audiences of the www art world.

Urban Art, or in particular “
Graffiti”, was a project in which different groups and artists were called on for co-operation. This project, whether good or bed, led to the improvement of artists and members artistic experiences & resulted in creating a new connection in a small part of the City (Tehran). Further more ,it made it possible for an Iranian site to be among the international lists of worlds largest graffiti index ( , .at the moment this section has a daily average of 23 visitors & this figure is not at all trivial.

 Increasing Of  The visitors In a Less than a Year

Articles section is Operated by S. Mohadesi , English Translator , who is in charge of translating and compiling the necessary and most appropriate articles for the Group and site feed.
This section is viewed by average of 35 people daily, most of whom are the search engine users, looking for art and cultural terms in yahoo, Google, Msn and Parseek .

Kolahstudio Digital Media (Annual resume of the site and group activities)
A multimedia Magazine on a MiniDisc is the other out-come of the Group ,which is handed over to the Artists , galleries & national and foreign Art Journals.
This annual Resume contains samples of the members activities , paintings ,caricatures ,sculpture and music experiences a long with the introduction of the members ( whether directly or indirectly involved in the mainstream) and the main objective of Research Team.

Another Important and vivid advancement is the capability of getting to Art works of those artists ,who approximately haven’t been presented in any kind of digital surroundings , before.

Some other cultural achievements of the site are as below:

  • The invitation of Hanif Bahari and Karan Reshad to Famous Underground Media (
  • Contacting and getting acquainted with the Brazilian Painter Marcia Pinho.
  • Being introduced in, .

These are the motives that, like before, make members look forward into the future.

 Artist With His Work | Kaveh Tavakoli Sculptor

Consequently, Kolahstudio artists were about to hold a group Exhibition at one of Tehran’s galleries in October 2005, which was canceled because of disagreement among the members.
Right now, Kolahstudio is trying to have a closer tie with the members and the audience & expand its informative-communicative and artistic activities.
We’ll welcome any comments, recommendations and ideas, as well as any cooperation offers.

 by : Karan Reshad

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Ismaeil Bahrani | Iranian Painter Joined Kolahstudio

Last Nigth Iranian Young Painter -Ismaeil Bahrani - Joined Kolahstudio Artists Group.
This year ,He is going to live In Isfahan . He Has a great shift in His life as an artists and he is going to take a new bussiness career ,till he comes back to Tehran ,again ,for University Studies for his MA Degree.
His works and Outline text is in progress and would be online by this month in Ther Underground Art Media
Kolahstudio Logo

Children Art collection

Child Kolahstudio Logo

kolahstudio Is Begining a New International Art Project : Child art

If you have a creative child around your Neighbourhood or in the Family or you have access to children art works ,We would be gretful to Put it Online in children art collection Page .

Just Send Your Materials with initial informations beside:Senders Full name , Age and Nationality ,Email and permission to use in

you may send The Materials on child art to : kib at kolahstudio dot com

Child Kolahstudio Logo Underground Art Media and Basement
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